Tugas Kepariwisataan 3


Enjoyed a romantic places in nature tourism Kalibiru Kulon Progo Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta is one of the provinces with the tourist attractions are many and varied. Nature tourism, cultural tourism, family tourism, to religious tourism in this province. One of the attractions is a very beautiful nature forest tourism Kalibiru. Forest tourism Kalibiru was the tourism attraction maybe precisely in Kulon Progo regency that holds the natural beauty that is captivating. This tour in the form of a tourist village that has a wide range of facilities that can be utilized by the visitors. Here is a little review of nature tourism Kalibiru in Kulon Progo.

Kalibiru natural attractions are on the street Sermo - Kalibiru, Hargowilis, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. This Kalibiru natural attractions in the west of the city of Yogyakarta at a distance of approximately maybe 40 km, or just about 10 km from the town Wates, capital of Kulon Progo regency. This tourist area located in the hills Menoreh. Feel of the mountains is very pronounced in this area.

The natural beauty of forest tourism Kalibiru
Kalibiru tourist area is actually a tourist village that is managed by the local communities through community Hargowilis circumference. This community also serves as a community forest managers contained in this Kalibiru region. The management objective of this tour is to improve the economy of residents around the forest. Kalibiru region has very beautiful scenery. From this area you can see Sermo reservoir Kulon Progo from above. Warm village atmosphere makes this tour is always crowded by tourists.

Forest site Kalibiru tour is very suitable for use as a place makrab, outbound, family attractions etc. For lodging do not worry, here is pretty much that provide homestay you stay together as a place group. Even in this a place there is also a pre-wedding treat it as the location of natural shades, giving rise to the impression for that going to a wedding. Location Prewedding in Kalibiru is frequently used in the tree house because of this it can be seen from the top view of Sermo reservoir and looks very romantic. Area pretty cool place (during the morning) and also quite easy to reach by car. However, be careful because the road curvaceous up and down, the engine must be strong on the climb steep. Facilities are also quite good, ranging from places to eat (the price of a standard meal), a meeting place, a place to stay, mosques and others, this a place is suitable for events and outbound forum.

The admission price nature tourism Kalibiru
  • Retribution IDR 3,000 (insured ticket)
  • Two-wheeler parking IDR 2,000
  • Cottage IDR 150,000
  • Joglo IDR 150,000
  • The tree house IDR 10,000

so, this place would be recommended for you to holiday with your family. happy holiday!
